Sunday, June 7, 2009

First things first

Wow I've finally done it. I've registered for my own blogspace! A little late for a 28yr old as most kids start blogging at, what, 12? Anyways the important thing is that I'm now a blogger!

I am a normal 28 year old guy, living in Sydney, Australia. Sydney is easily one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and has the weather to match it. My favourite part of Sydney is the harbour/ circular quay area. Yes very touristy I know, but there's something about that place, that just re-energises me everytime I'm there. To see the sparking white tiles that make up the Opera House; the much-bigger-than-on-postcards Harbour Bridge; the old style ferries; and the glimmering water of the harbour, it just does it for me. It reminds me that life is good here.

I love sunny cold days with blue skies and no cloud. And today happens to be one of those. That's the beauty of Sydney. The dark blue skies are mesmorising, coupled with the crisp air and the slight breeze, it definitely freshens you up.

I live very close to the airport. Kingsford Smith Airport of Sydney - the largest airport in the Southwest Pacific region. The aircraft noise doesn't bother me at all. In fact, that's probably why I wanted to live here. I can plane-spot from my street. Yes I'm a plane spotter. It's been my passion since I was like 9 years old. I started collecting random things onboard an aircraft such as playing cards/ magazines/ airsickness bags etc since then. My family migrated to Brisbane (Australia) from Taiwan when I was 9 so it gave me an opportunity to fly and collect whatever I can find on an aircraft (except life jackets and safety cards, as they are an integral part of safety)

So it comes as no surprise (well, a little bit of a surprise actually, but we'll cover that later... this is afterall my *first* post!), that I am now working for the national airline of Australia, as a yield analyst. My job is to determine how many seats to sell at what price at what time to maximise revenue. Yes ugly I know. Most people just says "ah ticket prices are expensive because of you". Well, true, but look at it this way, they are cheap also because of us?! The job is challenging as it is sometimes difficult to find the perfect balance... Charge people too expensive and the flights go out empty; and charge people too cheaply then the flights are too full and any subsequent demand either doesn't get to travel or goes to competiors! So yeah, my job in a nutshell.

Apart from being a complete airline nut, I'm also a self confessed foodie - both cooking and eating. I love food. Good food. And by good food I don't mean expensive or pretencious food. There is nothing more comforting than a bowl of steaming hot porridge with brown sugar on top on a cold Sunday morning. Simple things like that makes me happy. Although it doesn't mean that I don't love a Japanese banquet of top grade sashimi, crisp tempura, and soft, flavoursome bowl of una-don (grilled eel with sweet/savoury sauce with rice). It all depends on the authenticity of the food and the quality of the ingredients I suppose.

Well that's me in a few paragraphs. Not so hard to write about oneself I thought haha.

See you all next time ;)

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